Shade of Rose Marketing is a new Marketing Company.
We are currently taking 5 and 10 stop Tours, Blitzs, and Cover Reveals.
If you book your tour with us before July 31st you will receive 20% off!
Tour Packages:
All packages include a media kit and promotion on facebook and twitter.
5 stops- $7.50
Stops include- cover art, book synopsis/blurb, buy links, short author bio with contact links. Personalized post on Shades of Rose Marketing
10 stops- $15
Stops include- cover art, book synopsis/blurb, buy links, short author bio with contact links. Personalized post on Shades of Rose Marketing
Guest Posts, Author Interviews, and Giveaways
Deluxe Package:
This includes all of the above, plus a Rafflecopter Giveaway and your Cover linked to the Amazon or Publisher in our side bar for two months or a Cover Countdown.
Release Day Blitz- $5 for 5 stops, 7.50 for 10 stops
Cover art, blurb, excerpt and buy links featured on up to 5 blogs all in one day (your release day). (Giveaways are optional) (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and publisher bookstore) Or 3 sites of your choice.
Deluxe Release Day Blitz- $7.50 for 5 stops, $10.00 for 10 stops
This includes all of the above, plus a Rafflecopter Giveaway of you book and a Cover Countdown.
Book Cover / Excerpt Reveal (prior to your book tour)- $5 for 5 stops, $7.50 for 10 stops
Cover, blurb, links to author's site.
Deluxe Cover Reveal add $2.00 for a Cover Countdown
To book a tour fill out the form below
We are also looking for Hosts to join our team.
If interested please fill out the form below
Tamaria Soana & Viari Rose
Owners of Shades of Rose Marketing